These are not your old professor’s twelve-tone pieces! The aim of Discourse for Two Flutes – Volume 3 is to provide players with serial duets that are enjoyable both to play and study. For this reason, only one matrix is used for all ten pieces. This 8 ½ x 11 book is 26 pages and includes notes, the relevant matrix (with explanation of use) and a complete analysis for each of the ten duets. As such, this volume is a useful resource. The pieces are arranged in progressive order.
The arrangement of materials in these works differs from a traditional serial work. The inclusion of diagonal rows, non-row pitches and small chords extracted from a wide variety of rows create a colorful and unique environment. Some of the duets are very tender, while others are playful or even machinelike. As in the other three volumes, imitation and counterpoint are essential techniques used throughout these compositions.
I believe that no music or musical technique ever becomes outmoded. It was my intention to use serial techniques as a medium for neoteric expression and musical enjoyment. Revealing my composing secrets through the analysis of these works was an exciting processes for me, and hopefully you.
Volume 3 was completed in December of 2003 (The most recent of the four book series). Despite being the smallest of the four volumes, this work was the most painstaking. It was put to print nearly one year after I began the Discourse for Two Flutes project.
Click on the Thumbnail to Enlarge Image:
Duet 3 |
Duet 8 |
Analysis Example Page |